A remake of Return of the Joker, titled Batman: Revenge of the Joker, was released on the Sega Genesis by Ringler Studios in 1992. However, Batman rides the Batmobile and the Batwing from the 1989 film. Unlike that game, which was based on the 1989 Batman film directed by Tim Burton, Return of the Joker is entirely self-contained and based more on the modern comic book iteration of Batman. Naoki Kodaka, Tommy Tallarico, Manami Matsumaeīatman: Return of the Joker is a 1991 platform video game, the follow-up to Sunsoft's first Batman game on the Nintendo Entertainment System.
This game can be played also in a version for Genesis. If the game emulation is slow, try to speed it up by reloading this page without ads or choose another emulator from this table.